DASH Lincolnshire

These newsletters are produced in partnership between DASH, Boston Borough Council, East Lindsey District Council, Lincoln City Council, North Kesteven, South Holland, South Kesteven, & West Lindsey District Councils.

Lincolnshire Landlord Electronic Newsletters - LLEN

Contact fiona.england@derby.gov.uk To Add your name and receive the Lincolnshire Landlords Newsletter

  • Linolnshire Landlord Newsletter - Issue 20

    Do you remember where you were when Boston flooded?

    A large number of homes, many of them rental properties, flooded in Boston during the tidal surge on 5 December 2013.

    To make sure you … more

  • Lincolnshire Landlords Newsletter - Issue 20

    Council buys house left empty for more than a decade

    West Lindsey District Council has completed the Compulsory Purchase of a 12-year empty terraced house in Waterworks Street, Gainsborough, … more

  • Lincolnshire Landlord Newsletter - Issue 20

    Issue 20 - Are you registered for the letting agent redress scheme?

    New legislation was introduced from 1 October 2014 which made it a legal requirement for all lettings agents and property … more

  • Lincolnshire Landlords Newsletter - Issue 20

    Issue 20 - Recent Court Cases

    Over-crowding and HMO licensing cases

    A couple, prosecuted by Boston Borough Council, have been found guilty of 26 offences relating to a rental property and … more

  • Fire safety advice for tenants at Christmas

    Fire safety is important all year round and at Christmas there are extra hazards as tenants are likely to have more guests visiting during this time of celebration but it should not end in tragedy. … more

  • Protect your tenant and your property this winter

    The last two winters have been particularly harsh, and although it has been mild so far this autumn, no-one knows what’s round the corner.

    Burst pipes can cause extensive damage if not … more

  • Lincolnshire Landlords Forum - 01.12.2015

    1 December 2015 - Boston

    There have been a lot of legal changes happening recently.  Section 21, letting agents fees, anti retaliatory eviction, new smoke and carbon monoxide regulations. … more

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