DASH Lincolnshire

These newsletters are produced in partnership between DASH, Boston Borough Council, East Lindsey District Council, Lincoln City Council, North Kesteven, South Holland, South Kesteven, & West Lindsey District Councils.

Lincolnshire Landlord Electronic Newsletters - LLEN

Contact fiona.england@derby.gov.uk To Add your name and receive the Lincolnshire Landlords Newsletter

  • Modern Slavery

    USEC  - Understanding and Safeguarding Emerging Communities Lincolnshire Police

    Lincolnshire Police now have a dedicated team of officers to assist and work with the Foreign National … more

  • The Housing & Planing Act

    On 6 April provisions of the Housing and Planning Act that directly affect landlords will start to come into force under a recent commencement order, click here.  These only apply in England as … more

  • City of Lincoln Council recognises Trusted Landlords

    Following a crackdown on rogue landlords last year, City of Lincoln Council is launching a Trusted Landlord Scheme on 30 March 2017.

    The scheme aims to advise and support landlords to provide … more

  • Events for your diary

    You are invited to special Belvoir event

    30th March 2017

    7pm-9pm for

    FREE Legal update seminar for Landlords @ The Bentley Hotel Lincoln

    Are you struggling to keep legally up to date?

    A free … more

  • Update on Right to Rent

    A total of 31 people have been deported as a result of the Government’s right to rent scheme – with 75 landlords fined.

    According to new Government figures 7,806 calls were made to the … more

  • Police issue Land Registry empty homes scam warning

    Home owners are being warned yet again about scams where criminal groups target empty properties to apply for a mortgage or loan.

    The scams are not new but the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau& … more

  • What will Universal Credit mean for landlords?

    Universal Credit is a single, monthly payment which is paid directly into the claimant’s bank account. It replaces a number of in and out of work benefits, including Housing Benefit. … more

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