DASH Services

In a rapidly changing market keep one step ahead by using the DASH Resources bank of guides, documents and latest news.

The DASH team

Landlord Library

A landlords guide to dealing with condensation  Condensation

Understanding and addressing the health risks of damp and mould in the home - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

A helpful video on preventing and managing damp and mould in your property

A guide to help landlords avoid this rental pitfall - Cannabis  

Battery -v- hardwire smoke detectors -   Smoke Alarms 

Window restrictors - do I need them? -  Window Restrictors

Where to start when having electrical work done: Choosing an Electrician | Electrical Safety First

Furniture and Furnishing Regulations  -  Furniture and Furnishings 

Carbon Monoxide (CO) - A tenant guide -   CO 

Locks on Doors in HMOs - A landlord Guide  Locks on Doors in HMOs

Nottingham City Council have issued the following three information guide to help Landlords and Tenants:

How to reduce some common hazards within your rental properties - Download

A short Legionnaires Disease Presentation   

Energy Act 2011 implications explained -  Download    

Electric Safety documents from NAPIT: 

E-Scooters and E-Bikes useful guides 

Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 -    DASH Guide - FFHH.

VIDEO: Fire Safety for Landlords: Risk Assessment - from the landlord association the NRLA 

VIDEO: Fire Safety for Landlords: Larger HMOs -from the landlord association the NRLA 

For more infomation on Fire Safety see our dedicated pages: DASH Services - Fire Safety 

We will always try to ensure that all material on the site is as accurate and valid as we can make it. However, you should note that content is for general information only and we cannot guarantee that the information and advice given will always apply to a specific situation, or that the documents and forms provided will always be the most suitable for your particular situation. The use you make of the information and services provided on site is your responsibility and we cannot accept liability for any problems resulting from your use of the DASH Services site.

Investory Guidance 

Tenancy Deposit Protection

Letting Agents Redress Scheme

Breathing Space May 2021

Landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities in the private rented sector guidance (Apr '20)

Anti Social Behaviour Toolkit (designed by Sandwell Council) -Click here

HMO guide for Landlords -  Download


DASH Energy Act 2011 leaflet- Download

Section 21 Form No. 6A - click here

Section 21 Guidance - Download

How to Rent Guide for all new Tenancies -  How to Rent Guide

Right to Rent - A Home Office Short Guide (Nov 20) - Click Here

Right to Rent - a collection of helpful guides - http://bit.ly/1nYnG8g

Tenant Fees Ban explained - Click here

Enforcement Options Explained    Click here

Government Model Tenancy Agreement 

Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018: guidance
MHCLG published three separate guides to help, respectively, tenants, landlords and local authorities understand the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018, which comes into force on 20 March 2019.

For all three guides, click here.

Download the DASH guide on the new fitness for habitation act here -    Download.

DASH have also produced the following useful video:

We will always try to ensure that all material on the site is as accurate and valid as we can make it. However, you should note that content is for general information only and we cannot guarantee that the information and advice given will always apply to a specific situation, or that the documents and forms provided will always be the most suitable for your particular situation. The use you make of the information and services provided on site is your responsibility and we cannot accept liability for any problems resulting from your use of the DASH Services site.



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