DASH Lincolnshire

These newsletters are produced in partnership between DASH, Boston Borough Council, East Lindsey District Council, Lincoln City Council, North Kesteven, South Holland, South Kesteven, & West Lindsey District Councils.

Lincolnshire Landlord Electronic Newsletters - LLEN

Contact fiona.england@derby.gov.uk To Add your name and receive the Lincolnshire Landlords Newsletter

  • New How to Rent guide released by Government

    A new ‘How to Rent’ guide has been released by Government – with landlords reminded they MUST serve this version at the start of any new tenancy or renewal.

    Rules were brought in … more

  • Right to Rent Scheme Update

    Changes have been made to the Right to Rent Scheme, to make it easier for landlords and letting agents to carry out checks and simpler for individuals to prove their right to rent. These … more

  • County Lines: exploitation of vulnerable tenants

    County lines refers to urban gangs supplying drugs to suburban areas, as well as market and coastal towns, by using dedicated mobile phone lines or “deal lines”. Gangs use children and … more

  • Tribunal upholds financial penalty in South Holland

    South Holland District Council has recently had an appeal against a financial penalty issued for Housing Act offences upheld by the first tier tribunal.

    Arabella Fox-Garrett of King George V Avenue, … more

  • Help prevent Homelessness in East Lindsey

    If landlords in East Lindsey are considering eviction of a tenant, please contact the Housing team who can provide advice and support with a range of options. If tenants are falling behind with rent … more

  • Eviction Ban and the courts

    On Friday 21 August 2020, the UK Government announced a last-minute extension to the ban on court hearings for possession. Instead of opening again on 24 August, the courts are now set to hear … more

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