DASH Services

"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning."

Benjamin Franklin

Identifying Potential Theft of Electricity and Gas (Revenue Protection)

Training for Council and Housing Association staff 

This Training will help staff identify the most common forms of tampers as well as picking up on the flags that could mean tampering has occured.

The training will also ensure staff know the correct steps to take following the identification and to ensure everyone stays safe.

The illegal abstraction of electricity is an offence under Section 13 of the Theft Act 1968 and is committed by dishonestly using electricity without authority or by dishonestly causing electricity to be wasted or diverted. Interference with a gas meter is an offence under Schedule 2B of the Gas Act (1986). As well as the financial costs, meter tampering can cause catastrophic damage to properties, communities and lives, through fire, explosion and electrocution. Interference with a meter carries an inherent safety risk with potential to cause serious injury or death to the perpetrator, neighbouring properties, contractors, emergency services and landlords.


10am - 11.30am 

The online session will be delivered via the Microsoft TEAMS platform

Cost: Free of charge

UK Revenue Protection Agency (UKRPA)

Register your interest to attend the next available session with Jack Taylor via jack.taylor@derby.gov.uk 


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