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New Selective Licence Application Tutorial Video launched


Nottingham City Council are excited to share a breakthrough in thier ongoing efforts to make compliance with licensing requirments as seamless as possible for landlords.

This week they have introduced a comprehensive tutorial video that aims to simplify the Selective Licence Application process.

Navigating through the intricacies of the Selective Licence Application Form can be a daunting task and they hope this is one thing that can help but of course landlords can still contact the team on selective.licensing@nottinghamcity.gov.uk (which is now monitored to ensure replies are sent) 

What to Expect from the Video:

The video provides a step-by-step walkthrough of what is needed in the Selective Licence Application Form, ensuring clarity. They have tried to specifically addressed common challenges highlighted by landlords, offering solutions and tips to overcome potential hurdles.

The tutorial is crafted to be accessible to all, acknowledging the diverse range of landlords in our community.

To access the tutorial video and make your Selective Licence Application experience smoother, simply click here:

Video without Subtitles: https://youtu.be/az8dxjHgVDA

Video with  Subtitles: https://youtu.be/CIN1c673dwI

For more information and to apply visit Selective Licensing - Nottingham City Council  

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