DASH Services

Shared services deliver numerous benefits, particularly with increasing pressures to reduce costs and do more for less.

DASH Research

DASH Services is able to respond quickly to requests from regional or national bodies for up to date research on the PRS, working with landlord associations, Registered Social Landlord’s and other stakeholders to give an accurate picture of current trends. 

DASH has a network of landlords and partners who are willing to contribute information and inform Government policy on a local, regional and national level.

DASH have been involved in a number of key pieces of research which have helped influence national policy including the LACors Fire guide


With our extensive network of associates, industry experts, landlords and housing professionals DASH is capable of delivering cost effective and targeted research & consumer group work on all aspect of the PRS.

DASH is keen to be involved in any on-going work you may be conducting or be commissioned to undertake research on your behalf. For further information please contact us on 01332 640324.

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